- rain. We had rain this month, which broke a long period of dry and filled the dams and creek, so the family hopped into some round molasses troughs and pushed ourselves around using sticks. Brother 2 got into one with Dad, and they ended up standing in a trough on the bottom of the creek bed, submerged up to their chests. Good times.
- green grass. In the paddock, it's thick and it's past our knees, and mowing the yard doesn't feel like such a chore when we take into account that there is grass to mow.
- also. butterflies. There are small white ones with lacy black bits, and big black ones with lacy white bits, and also some little yellow ones. And there are so many. I have had several genuinely-felt Bilbo moments:
- my job! and I'm so blessed to be able to add that to this list. For a year I worked part-time in a job that was not a field I was interested in, and while I felt personally invested in the business (for no particular reason?? except I worked there?), it was immensely draining.
But! Last year I was in admin at a library and adored it. And this year I'm a casual library assistant, and I'm enjoying it so much. Obviously part- or full-time work would be more convenient (I have an hour commute), but this does mean that I get to work with all different people in different workplaces!
and I smile at people and help them and make them love the library and feel happy. and that makes me feel happy too.
So there's a small post for you, because I was thinking about how good life is. <3
And if you're not? if your job's dragging at your soul and you're having trouble keeping your chin up? My advice (I say, like I am in any way qualified to give advice) is to:
- keep your eyes open for opportunities. all sorts of opportunities, and things you wouldn't normally do. chase the things that make you feel fulfilled.
- choose to smile. choose joy. it's hard but choose to rejoice in the blessing of just being alive. and then live.
What's something objectively tiny (like butterflies) that has made you feel joyful and blessed? Do you enjoy your work? (whether it's paid or for your family) Is your family still well? Let me know if you would like me to pray for you.
And what are some things you do that make you feel like you're living and not just alive?