Monday, 23 April 2018

...again, not dead [I'm always only pretending. because I'm Loki.]

Sooo. I've been absent from the blogosphere for most of April (three weeks now?).

This is a) an apology for abandoning all your lovely blogs in that time! and b) an assurance that I'm just taking a bit of time off and will return to my poor blog eventually. Even though it isn't truly a Jem-haitus unless it's completely random and unannounced??

I'm sure most of you know about Camp NaNoWriMo, and a significant number of you may well be participating. Hopefully you'll sympathize! (especially when I tell you I'm working on study + assessments for my Camp goal. Funnn.)

How's Camp going for you? Tell me your goals! and I'll give you virtual lamingtons (or TimTams, if you don't like coconut?) Do you struggle to keep up with the blogosphere sometimes? (Do you have advice on how to keep up with the blogosphere and also not abandon life??)


  1. Yes indeed. Particularly when colds get in the way...LOL. And yes, I do sympathize with you, Jem (been there, got the t-shirt, LOL.)


    1. WHAT. There is a T-shirt?? Catherine, I seem to be missing my T-shirt?? ;P

  2. SAM IS BACK!!!! *tackle hugs*

    Girl, don't even mention Camp NaNo...I'm so swamped it's not even funny....

    But I love coconut!! Hand 'em over!

    1. SAM IS GONE AGAIN! no wait, she's back again.

      *hands over fresh lamingtons, since the ones from April may not be in their prime...*

    2. you ever gonna come back from the ( blog) dead?

    3. Hm. Can't guarantee that I won't, Evan... one day it might actually be my ghost. Or simply me, Loki... having faked my death aGAIN. ;P

  3. I'm doing GREAT on NaNo, actually! My goal was 80k and I hit that last now I'm trying to finish up this book so that I can get to edits ^_^ Loads of fun! Good luck with your projects....ugh. XD

    1. Wow, Faith! That's a heap of words. How's the book going?

  4. I'm afraid I don't have any advice on keeping up with blogging or life, let alone both together. It's hard. Good on you for combining study assessments with Camp NaNo - that sounds like a creative idea to make work more fun! :) I hope they're going well, and in the meantime, don't feel bad if you can't blog or comment like you'd like too - we understand, and we'll still be here when you do get a chance. :) Blessings, friend! xx

    1. My NaNo goal didn't go... great... but I completed the assessments eventually. And I knew you guys would be here when I got back - because you're all amazing. Thanks for your encouragement, Jessica! <3

  5. I definitely sympathize with having too much on your plate during NaNo events. This is the first event in a while when I've been able to keep up a regular blogging schedule during NaNo. That said, my goal is only 10K words, so that's not too bad. Best of luck with your NaNo goals!

    1. You kept a schedule, Sarah?? [I mean, I know a lot of people do, but I'm somehow still in awe every time? and during NaNo is doubly astonishing!] And 10k is basically my standard goal too...

  6. Keeping up with the blogosphere (plus the rest of life) is a struggle and a half! Don't worry about taking some time to set it all aside once in awhile. Tbh, I'm super looking forward to my annual summer hiatus, haha! See you soon!

    1. The blogosphere is definitely a blessing and a curse... it's awesome, but I always try to read eVERYTHING. Which is hard. Are you nearly finished with your summer haitus, Emily? (I'll check your blog soon and see, but it's nearly spring here, so must be nearly autumn there?)

  7. I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo. I got like 28 pages of rewriting of my one book done, but then realized I'm missing important stuff from the plot. *face desk* I am currently just working on a different book rewrite and want to hit 10k words in it before the month ends.

    1. Ooh. Plot holes that creep up on you during NaNo are the worst, Julia! I hope your other rewrite went better? (Also, welcome! Have a lamington!)

  8. I noticed your absense and wondered what was up...

    1. Aw, thanks for noticing, Evan! (Life got a bit overwhelming, basically.)

  9. I take it the hiatus is still gobbling you up? *sends Tim Tams to be sure you're still alive* 😂😂 I hope the writing is going super well too!! I did end up doing Camp NaNo but without signing up because I'm lazy like that mwahaha. I did 55K which was a satisfying number, even if not the fastest/most I've ever written haha.

    (Also I 1000% recommend hiring dragons to dictate blog posts for you while you're busy doing Real Life stuff. It works very well for me.)

    1. Oh yeah, that hiatus was terribly hard to extract myself from. (Too many teeth, I'd say.)

      Yes, but Cait, I need cONTACTS. Dragons aren't signing up to my local employment agency - they're keeping their talents on the quiet, perhaps? - and I can't seem to organise a covert meeting with any. (Not that it has stopped me from spending a lot of time attempting to do so, instead of writing...)

  10. Hellloooooo I am alive as well, although it seems you've been absent for longer than three weeks? *runs off to read all the posts I've missed in like the 6 months I've been gone* Come back soon!

    1. *comes back two months later* Ohhh yeah, I've been gone just a smidge over three weeks. Just a smidge. It's good to hear you're alive too, Victoria! *runs off to be overwhelmed by all the posts I've missed in the months I've been gone...*

  11. Still alive!!! *realizes that's from the Croods* *runs away*
    So 1 I really dont think there is a balance, just write to us when you canXD
    plus, let's just face it, as you get older, life gets more and more demanding.
    My NaNoWriMo was not. XD Writers block, multiple times. lol
    btw have you heard that there is a How to Train Your Dragons 3 coming!!
    Super stoked about taht..
    then I am still sobbing from Infinity War..
    so I am alive and you are (or were ratherXD) about a month ago XD
    Hope all will settle (although we know it won't XD)
    - NotDeadYet Ry

    1. But I don't want to get older and have to cope with a demanding life?? THIS DOES NOT SEEM FAIR.

      I haven't seen HTTYD 1 and 2... but I have read most of the books, of which there's 12 or something? (I have had several "friendly discussions" with bloggers such as Ivie on this topic... they talk about HTTYD, and I talk about the books, and they claim they're not canon... xD)

      I haven't seen Infinity War yet! but although I'm happy you're not dead yet, Ry, and I'm not dead either, I understand that's not something that can be said for everyone in Marvel...?


rule 1: comment. or the owl will judge you
rule 2: no inappropriate language. or the owl will judge you.
rule 3: have fun. or the owl will judge you.
((rule 4: feed the owl, he likes cake))