So. The villains who weren’t shortlisted have been politely asked to leave, the edge of a curtain and also an odd circular patch in the lawn have been set on fire, several villain-to-villain farewells have been topped with a promise of eternal friendship (by which I mean "my good friend, your flair for villainy is commendable, if you ever need an ally in a plan I’d be touched if you thought of me, I love murder"), and a portal has been opened up in my bathtub because aPPARENTLY the front door wasn’t dramatic enough to leave by.
I’m just happy I didn’t need to call the dragons to drive them out.
So this leaves us, of course, at the final round of the award:
Most Nefarious Villain: Awards Ceremony
Presented, of course, by Saruman, noted Istari from Middle Earth!
Excuse me for a moment while I just blibbityblobbitybloop myself into a third person side character.
*crackling static*